The Director General of the Nouakchott Autonomous Port inspects the maintenance work of the tugboats "Chinguetti" and "Tergit"

The Director General of the Nouakchott Autonomous Port Sidi Mohamed Ould Maham, inspected on Friday the progress of the repair and maintenance work on the tugboats "Chinguetti" and "Tergit," which belong to the Friendship Port.
From the port of Ndiago, in the Keur Macène district of the Trarza region, where the work is being carried out, the Director General listened to explanations provided by technical teams from the National Navy. These teams are carrying out the mission under a partnership between the Navy Command and the administration of the Nouakchott Autonomous Port.
Accompanied by his technical advisor, Moustapha Ould Demba, and the director of piloting, Ahl Ould Essid, the Director General expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the work on the two tugboats. He also issued recommendations to ensure compliance with quality standards and to speed up the completion of the work.
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