إنطلاق الدفعة الثانية من برنامج التدريب على إدارة الموانئ في ميناء نواكشوط
شهدت قاعة المؤتمرات بميناء نواكشوط المستقل افتتاح ملتقى تكويني حول إدارة الموانئ و ذلك في إطار برنامج تسيير الموانئ التابع لمؤتمر الأمم المتحدة للتجارة و التنمية
و أشرف على افتتاح الملتقى السيد المدير العام المساعد السيد محمد محمود ولد المصطفى حيث أشاد في كلمته الافتتاحية بأهمية العلاقة بين التجارة الدولية و الموانئ مثمنا أهمية الموضوع الذي تتناوله الورشة التكوينة و مشيدا بالتعاون بين ميناء نواكشوط و برنامج CENUCED الأممي
و دعا المدير العام المساعد المشاركين إلى الحرص على الاستفادة من هذا التكوين
و يشرف على الورشة التكوينية الخبير الأممي ماكسيم لادرير فيما يشاركه التكوين المستشار. الفني للمدير العام السيد محمد فيصل ولد بيروك
فيما يستفيد من التكوين حوالي 22من أطر الميناء وميناء اندياكو من بينهم مهندسين و قباطنة و مسؤولين ماليين ..
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The workshop of the UNCTAD training workshop, which began on March 20, was concluded today, March 27, in the presence of the Deputy Director-General of the Autonomous Port of Nouakchott. This training workshop aimed at professionals in the port industry brought together about fifteen participants from the ports of Nouakchott and Ndiago, as well as from Abidjan, Douala, and Lomé. This session will train instructors capable of locally delivering the TrainForTrade port management course (240 hours) divided into 8 modules. This resumption of the port management program with the Autonomous Port of Nouakchott was approved by the Director-General, Mr. Sidi Mohamed Maham, indicating the importance placed on upgrading human resources at PAN PA. Technical advisor Mohamed Fayçal BEYROUK is the focal point responsible for the TrainForTrade program at the Autonomous Port of Nouakchott.
The MEDports Association is proud to announce the signing of a strategic agreement today in Nouakchott, a milestone in the cooperation and strengthening of maritime transport and logistics relations between Europe and Africa.
In a ceremony filled with symbolism, Mr. Sidi Mohamed Maham, on behalf of the Port of Friendship of Nouakchott, Mr. Abdelatif Lhouaoui representing the Agence Nationale des Ports of Morocco, and Mr. Eduard Rodés, Director of the Escola Europea - Intermodal Transport, have joined forces through a tripartite agreement. This pact will serve as a catalyst for the enhancement of international trade training, logistics and port operations, education, and management in the region, aligning its actions with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The project, known as "Mare Nostrum Atlantique", highlights the importance of quality education, the creation of decent jobs, and the promotion of sustainable economic development. Professional training in logistics and international trade will be prioritized, and the active exchange of knowledge and best practices among port communities will be vigorously promoted.
The signing of this agreement has been further strengthened by the presence and participation of Mr. Jordi Torrent, Secretary-General of the MEDports Association. His intervention served to underscore the significance of three members of the association committing to a collaborative protocol, undoubtedly setting a precedent for joint commitment to excellence and innovation in the provision of port and logistics services.
This agreement represents a significant advancement towards more robust and effective collaboration between the parties, with the common goal of driving economic development and environmental sustainability in their respective regions.
Mardi le 10 novembre, le Port Autonome de Nouakchott a organisé une visite de prospection et d'information pour la 3ième promotion de stagiaires du Collège de Défense du G5 Sahel, cycle 2020-2021.